A scientific entity determined to
show the beauty of life
The Catalan Society of Sciences for the Conservation of Biodiversity is a scientific entity born with the purpose of opening its eyes to society in the face of the beauty of life.
Our mission is to help face the serious biological crisis facing the planet and, very especially, the Iberian ecosystems, the greatest treasure of European biodiversity. For this reason, we appeal to the arguments and values ​​of the life sciences and use the seductive power of nature itself to "convince" and transform our attitude to this crisis.
Explore, discover biodiversity, and bring it closer to that part of our society more alien to it; this is the challenge.
Build a common thought
of admiration and respect
All societies have their own attitude towards nature
For this reason, BIOSCICAT is born from the conviction that it is necessary to build a social thought based on respect for life, and that this attitude will be the one that will change the course of our individual and collective decisions.
To achieve this, it starts from recognizing the role traditionally played by environmental administrations and environmental advocacy - embodied by NGOs or political parties, but raises the urgent need to convince the rest of the population to respect and 'admiration for nature are unquestionable and defining elements of our society.
The formula:
recover the values of the 'Life Sciences'
and seduce through biological beauty
The ultimate reason for the birth of Bioscicat is to preserve the biological and ecological heritage on which we depend, to offer it to future generations as we know it and it was given to us. But to preserve it, you need to know it, understand it, and respect it.
Precisely for this reason, Bioscicat aims to be a committed and different organization that, from scientific knowledge and the values of the life sciences, works to deepen the understanding of nature, to make biodiversity visible, and to seduce and educate in she the whole society, without exception.
This logic, developed in three axes, presides over our action:
We move on to 'KNOW ' better the biological world around us. That is why we promote the exploration and discovery of biodiversity, as well as its study and understanding. Get to know and understand nature better, so that you can explain, admire and protect it.
We also dedicate the utmost effort to 'COMMUNICATE' the biological miracle of the fragile Iberian ecosystems. We want to seduce society through biological beauty, promote admiration for nature, and educate in respect for all life forms. Only in this way, by appealing to the position of our species in the 'network of life' and restoring our atavistic links with nature, will we be able to bring about a true transformation of our social thought.
We want to help 'PRESERVE' the Mediterranean biome and its biological diversity. This is why we promote actions and strategies focused on solving critical and urgent problems, but we also design and promote emblematic and demonstrative projects called to stand as real 'beacons' that guide and inspire future policies for the conservation of Mediterranean ecosystems.