The first images of “Someretes al Cap” (Dreaming Someretas) come to light, an exciting and unusual film in every way.
This is the first film project produced in the Spanish state that addresses the planetary biological crisis. The film is produced by BIOSCICAT and MN Films, and has the support of the Ministry for Ecological Transition through the Biodiversity Foundation, and the participation, among others, of Eduardo Punset.
The film uses narrative and cinematographic language in a new strategy that seeks to bring nature closer to the whole of society in order to excite and engage it. To do this, he founds a magical universe to narrate a beautiful and moving story, which destiny created capriciously intertwining the existence of small creatures and great men, among which is the childhood of Eduard Punset.
The film uses the child we all once were to sneak into our conscience and influence it, and reveals the origin of the extreme sensitivity and vital thought of the famous economist, politician and science disseminator.
Tarragona, December 28, 2018
At a time when large international documentary productions are coming to light, conceived to raise, from the denunciation, the serious ecological and biological crisis that compromises our future, BioSciCat bets on a different formula: “Someretes al Cap” (Dreaming Someretas).
Indeed, "Someretes al Cap" will be the first documentary film project produced in the Spanish state that addresses the loss of planetary biodiversity by proposing to reflect on the relationship that we as a society maintain with nature, but it will not do so through shocking and bleak images, nor will it provoke through apocalyptic or vindictive messages. And the fact is that “Someretes al Cap” is something else.
The film project is produced by BIOSCICAT and MN Films, and has the support of the Ministry for Ecological Transition through the Fundación Biodiversidad, and the participation, among others, of Eduard Punset.
It is a film project born from a conviction: the only hope of preserving the miracle of nature is to build in our society a culture of deep admiration for it, and respect for all forms of life. Ultimately, it is about forging an attitude that becomes a cultural identity trait of our collective thought as a society, and that is unquestionable, unbreakable, and independent of individual political ideology.
It is born from that conviction, but also from the certainty that we can only fight for what we love. And how to make the whole society want and demand the conservation of nature before any other benefit? This challenge poses a paradigm shift: we must bring nature to all of society, without exception, and move it. And what is the best way? Without a doubt, the cinema.
That is the reason why BIOSCICAT has chosen to flee from the classic genre of scientific documentary, and resort to narrative and cinematographic language through "Someretes al Cap", testing new formulas designed to open the eyes of the entire society before the beauty of life, and to influence an audience that was never interested in nature documentaries before.
The proposal: merge genres, taking the best of each of them. From the scientific and naturalistic documentary, the unparalleled power of seduction that nature overflows (in 4k format) and the points of view offered by the techniques of the genre, as well as the possibility of presenting an authorized scientific story. From fiction and cinematographic language, the hypnotic magic of its aesthetics and the narrative force of real stories that move and captivate.
Of course, the documentary aims to raise awareness of the serious biological crisis that the planet is suffering as well as expose the strictly scientific reasons why humanity should react urgently.
Those are the scientific arguments. But beyond them, the real core issue on which the documentary film affects is another: the emotional arguments. The film seeks to revive in us the emotional bonds that are rooted, in an atavistic way, in our most intimate individual experiences with nature, and that are the main force to love it viscerally and to reveal ourselves at the idea of hurting it. Those emotions and their transmission, that is the question.
The scientific arguments demanded to be narrated by an authorized voice with the capacity to access and influence the general public. The emotional ones too. It was also necessary to have a real and captivating story that was capable of capturing and moving. Although it seems impossible, there is a story and there is that voice: the Somereta from Montsant, and Eduard Punset.
The capricious and inexhaustible imagination of reality wanted to create in the mountains of Montsant a moving story around a tiny creature unique in the world, whose existence ends up uniting different lives despite seeming to be relegated to the imagination of a child. A boy whose relationship with animals would end up forever marking his way of understanding the world, and through it, of millions of people: little Eduard Punset.
The story of the Somereta is born through some capriciously intertwined beings and existences, and improbable events. It brings together the desire to discover and decipher the living world of great men, the unjust neglect of self-sacrificing scientists, the shadow of extinction hanging over unrepeatable creatures, second chances that nature rarely grants and, finally, the emotion in the burning eyes of a child before an unrepeatable living being.
The film establishes a magical and captivating universe to narrate a story as beautiful as it is moving, and uses the child we all once were to sneak into our conscience, and definitely influence it.